Benefits: The chest opens to the fullest extent allowing for a deeper inhalation while lifting the rib cage.
Posture: Begin in the same position that you were in for the Butterfly exercise. At the point where your you move upward and over your head, arch your back away from the back of the chair until you begin to bring your arms out to the side and back to the front of your chest. Slowly press your back against your chair and tuck your hips underneath.
Visualization: Think about the first yawn of the morning. It is deep, relaxing, and satisfying. Your chest opens wide as clean, clear air enters your lungs.
Pathways: In this exercise you are expanding your chest and lungs still further. Imagine that the energy that has been brought up through the center of your body is now extended to the upper dan tien at the top of your head. Energy is circulating through the shoulders, neck, head, and arms as well as through the meridian that runs up your spine.
- Raise your hands over your head with palms facing through the middle of your chest. There is tension here in your arms as you move them upward.
- Press your arms down to the sides, palms facing the floor as you arch your back.
- Bring your arms, completely relaxed again and loose, behind you and the return them to the front of your chest.
Repetitions: Nine