Leave the Couch, Take Up Fitness as a Family

With most of us in the US still battling cold temps, it’s easy to cozy up on the couch and focus on the latest comedy series, or for our kids to fall back on video games. While these activities are okay, it’s best to keep them in limited doses, especially since we need all the extra energy we can get to make it through gray days. The perfect antidote? Exercise!

Focusing on fitness can help improve your well-being as a household too. From taking virtual classes to going for a run to creating a HIIT workout to playing backyard basketball, these resources from Exercise Line are packed with exciting suggestions.

Choose the Right Gear

The right gear makes working out safer and more comfortable. Include these items on your shopping list!

⦁ Make sure that your kids all have ⦁ sneakers that fit properly.
Move-with-you leggings will allow you a wide range of movement while exercising.
⦁ Older members of the family may need dumbbells for ⦁ strength training.
⦁ A high-quality ⦁ yoga mat can be useful for a variety of workouts!
Exercise Indoors

If your family has to spend more time inside, check out these indoor workouts.

⦁ You and your kids can follow along with ⦁ online yoga classes to relax, manage stress, and improve your flexibility.
⦁ Adults and teens can build their muscle strength with these basic ⦁ dumbbell exercises.
⦁ If your kids are feeling antsy, you recreate their ⦁ martial arts studio in your basement!
Encourage your senior loved one to try exercise videos, fitness apps and step, balance and strength exercises.

Enjoy the Outdoors

As long as you stick to your own backyard or practice social distancing, your family can enjoy the great outdoors!

Jump rope games are a creative way to have a cardio workout.
⦁ If you love to run, you can help your kids ⦁ get started! Just be sure to take it easy at first.
⦁ Setting up a ⦁ basketball hoop in your backyard will keep your family busy on sunny days.

If you feel like your family has been less active since winter’s arrival, you can always change up your routine. Working out indoors or outside is fun and easy! With these resources, you’ll have plenty of ideas for great physical activities.

Guest Author: Julie Morris http://juliemorris.org/

Photo via Pexels
